Sep 22, 2024  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Academic departments and programs are  generally listed in alphabetical order. All courses are listed under the department or program in which they are offered. Courses which are cross-listed will appear in more than one place.

Course Designations

Courses of instruction are designated by a system of four-digit numbers within each department. The first digit in the number indicates the class standing that a student must attain to be eligible for the course. To interpret the numbering system, students need to know that:

  • Courses generally for freshmen are numbered in the series beginning 1000. Freshmen may not register for any course numbered 2000 or above, except by placement or with the permission of the instructor. Similarly, sophomores may not register for courses numbered 3000 or above, or juniors 4000 or above, with exceptions permitted only by the instructor.
  • Cross-listed courses are courses appropriate to more than one department or area.
  • The number of credit hours per course is indicated below the course title. Courses which may be taken for variable credit (applied music lessons, independent studies, internships, etc.) or which can be repeated for credit are so indicated.
  • Prerequisites for each course are so indicated following the description.
  • Special Topics, Internships, and Independent Studies courses are listed with numbers separated by semicolons. These courses may be taken in any order.
  • The (FR) designation after a number indicates that the course is offered only as a first-year seminar.
  • PHI 3321 - Minds and Languages

    Credits: 4
    How do words get their meanings? How much do the words we use influence or determine the way we think, or even what we think about? For that matter, can I think without language at all? How if I had no language – like a dog or a cat – could I think?
    McDaniel Plan: Textual Analysis

  • PHI 3323 - Environmental Philosophy

    Credits: 4
    This course offers a critical introduction into issues and debates in environmental cultural studies, environmental ethics and environmental political philosophy. The fact of a global ecological crisis, e.g. overpopulation, destruction and transformation of ecosystems, bioaccumulation of toxins, climate changes, etc. are intertwined with cultural and religious values systems as well as political trends and agendas. In this course we will study a) a selective genealogy of the perception of environment in various cultural traditions b) philosophical concepts which analyze and interpret global ecological shifts and crisis and c) cultural concepts of future environments.
    Cross-listed with Environmental Policy and Science 3323.
    McDaniel Plan: International Western; Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding; Textual Analysis.

  • PHI 3333 - Philosophical Logic

    Credits: 4
    An inquiry into logics beyond the elementary. The course will cover the proofs of the soundness and completeness of the system studied in 2233, as well as some of the following: multi-valued logic, relevant logic, and Modal logic including deontic and epistemic.
    Prerequisites Philosophy 2233
  • PHI 3350 - Bioethics

    Credits: 4
    A study of ethical issues in biology and medicine including health care policies, euthanasia, scientific fraud, and reproductive technologies. This course will explore these and similar issues and case studies and create a framework for ethical decision making based on philosophical principles.
    Cross-listed with Biology 3350.
  • PHI 3365 - Special Topics In Philosophy

    Credits: 4
    The study of a selected topic in the discipline. Different topics are chosen for each offering, based on students’ interests and needs.
    McDaniel Plan: Textual Analysis.

  • PHI 3366 - Special Topics in the History of Philosophy

    Credits: 4
    The study of a selected Philosopher or movement in the history of philosophy. Different topics are chosen for each offering, based on students’ interests and needs.
    McDaniel Plan: Textual Analysis; Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding.

  • PHI 3395 - Internships in Philosophy

    Credits: 0-4
    Supervised field experiences in appropriate settings, usually off-campus, designed to assist students in acquiring and using skills and knowledge of the discipline unique to the selected topic.
  • PHI 3398 - Independent Studies in Philosophy

    Credits: 0-4
    Directed study planned and conducted with reference to the needs of those students who are candidates for departmental honors. Qualified students who are not candidates for such honors but who desire to do independent studies are also admitted with permission of the Department.
  • PHI 4465 - Special Topics In Philosophy

    Credits: 4
    The study of a selected topic in the discipline. Different topics are chosen for each offering, based on students’ interests and needs.
    McDaniel Plan: Textual Analysis.

  • PHI 4466 - Special Topics in the History of Philosophy

    Credits: 4
    The study of a selected Philosopher or movement in the history of philosophy. Different topics are chosen for each offering, based on students’ interests and needs.
    McDaniel Plan: Textual Analysis; Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding.

  • PHI 4492 - Thesis in Philosophy

    Credits: 4
    A directed project of research and writing a major paper on a topic agreed upon by the instructor and the student. The project extends over two semesters, but with four credit hours given with the completion of the thesis for both semesters’ work.
    Prerequisites Permission of instructor.
  • PHI 4495 - Internships in Philosophy

    Credits: 0-4
    Supervised field experiences in appropriate settings, usually off-campus, designed to assist students in acquiring and using skills and knowledge of the discipline unique to the selected topic.
  • PHI 4498 - Independent Studies in Philosophy

    Credits: 0-4
    Directed study planned and conducted with reference to the needs of those students who are candidates for departmental honors. Qualified students who are not candidates for such honors but who desire to do independent studies are also admitted with permission of the Department.
  • PHY 1101 - General Physics I

    Credits: 4
    .This course is the first in the two-semester, introductory, calculus-based General Physics sequence. The course will introduce students to the fundamental ideas that govern kinematics and dynamic motion for both linear and rotational systems, concepts of energy and momentum, simple harmonic motion, wave phenomena and sound, and fluid statics and dynamics. The laboratory component of the course is aimed at developing data collection and analysis skills through a series of experiments in mechanics and must be enrolled in separately.
    Co-requisite PHY 1001 General Physics I Lab
    MAT 1117 or permission of the instructor.

    McDaniel Plan: Scientific Inquiry with Laboratory.

  • PHY 1102 - General Physics II

    Credits: 4
    This is the second course in the two-semester, introductory, calculus-based General Physics sequence. In this course we cover the fundamental ideas of electricity and magnetism, the influence of electromagnetic fields on particles, Maxwell’s equations, circuits and circuit analysis, geometric and physical optics, and Einstein’s theory of relativity. The laboratory component of the course is aimed at developing data collection and analysis skills through a series of experiments in electromagnetism and optics and must be enrolled in separately.
    Co-requisite PHY 1001 General Physics II Lab
    MAT 1117 or permission of the instructor

    McDaniel Plan: Scientific Inquiry with Laboratory.

  • PHY 2001 - Mathematics Physics Lab

    Credits: 0.00
    In this laboratory course students will learn how to use the symbolic mathematics software “Mathematica.” In particular, students will learn basic commands, graphical capabilities, and other features, all in the context of using the software to help solve physics problems.
    Co-requisite PHY 2201 Mathematical Physics
  • PHY 2201 - Mathematical Physics

    Credits: 4
    This fundamental course for physic majors and minors serves to introduce many of the mathematical tools and ideas needed to solve problems describing physical systems. Topics include integration and differentiation, vector calculus, series, complex analysis, matrices, differential equations, and Fourier analysis. The one-hour per week laboratory component of the course is aimed at familiarizing students with Mathematica.
    Prerequisites MAT 1118 Calculus II
    Co-requisite PHY 2001 Mathematical Physics Lab
  • PHY 2202 - Intermediate Mechanics

    Credits: 4
    This course covers classical Newtonian and Lagrangian mechanics as applied to the motion of particles and systems. Specific topics include solutions to Newton’s laws in the presence of retarding forces; conservation theorems; harmonic, damped, and forced oscillations, and resonance phenomena; phase-space diagrams; gravity and gravitational potential; Hamilton’s principle, Lagrange’s and Hamilton’s equations of motion, and generalized coordinates; central force motion and orbits in a central field; linear and angular momentum of a system of particles; and the dynamics of rigid bodies and the moments of inertia.
    Prerequisites PHY 2201 Mathematical Physics
  • PHY 2203 - Foundations of Modern Physics I

    Credits: 4
    This course introduces student to the foundations of modern physics by studying the experimental and theoretical breakthroughs of great physicists such as Einstein, Bohr, Schrödinger, and Rutherford, to name a few. Topics include special relativity, the wave and particle nature of light and matter, and elementary quantum theory applied to simple systems such as a particle in a box, tunneling, and the hydrogen atom. This course includes an integrated laboratory component to help students develop strong links between theory and practice.
    Prerequisites PHY 2201 Mathematical Physics
  • PHY 2209 - Investigations in Physics I

    Credits: 1.00
    This course is intended to offer students a formal opportunity to engage in the creative process of putting forward and resolving their own physics questions, which is one of the great things about being a physicist! Investigations have three parts. First, each student must think of and carefully word an interesting question to delve into; then work toward an answer for the Investigation question and, as time permits, any collateral questions that develop from the main line of inquiry; and, finally, compile a report based on the findings of the Investigation and make a short presentation to the class. Investigation questions can be related to any realm of physics that is of personal interest, and projects that merge multiple domains are encouraged.
    Prerequisites PHY 2202 Intermediate Mechanics or PHY 2203 Foundations of Modern Physics I or permission of the instructor.
  • PHY 2211 - Analog and Digital Electronics

    Credits: 4
    This laboratory-based course is an introduction to analog and digital circuit design and computer interfacing. Specific topics include resistive, capacitive, and inductive circuits; DC and AC circuits and their analysis; RC, RL and RLC circuits and resonance; filters; Kirchoff’s laws; operational amplifiers; theory and applications of logical gates; integrated circuits and their applications; digital counters and timers; principles of computer interfacing; and design and construction of practical digital circuits.
  • PHY 2212 - From Lenses to Lasers

    Credits: 4
    Optics is an influential branch of physics that deals with the origin and propagation of light as well as it interaction with matter. In this course, students will study how and why optical phenomena occur. We will cover theories that treat light as a bundle of rays (ray optics), as electromagnetic waves (wave optics), and as a stream of particles (quantum optics). We will explore phenomena of reflection, refraction, dispersion, scattering, polarization, interference, and diffraction in terms of these theories. Students will learn about the limitations of ray optics, the improvements in wave optics, and the triumph of quantum optics leading to the study of the laser. This course includes an integrated laboratory component to help students develop strong links between theory and practice.
    Prerequisites PHY 2201 Mathematical Physics
  • PHY 2265 - Special Topics in Physics

    Credits: 4
    The study of a selected topic in the discipline. Different topics are chosen for each offering, based on students’ interests and needs.
  • PHY 2295 - Internships in Physics

    Credits: 0-4
    Supervised field experiences in appropriate settings, usually off-campus, designed to assist students in acquiring and using skills and knowledge of the discipline unique to the selected topic.
  • PHY 2298 - Independent Studies in Physics

    Credits: 0-4
    Directed study planned and conducted with reference to the needs of those students who are candidates for departmental honors. Qualified students who are not candidates for such honors but who desire to do independent studies are also admitted with permission of the Department.
  • PHY 3200 - Advanced Physics Laboratory

    Credits: 4
    This course will introduce students to advanced skills and analysis techniques essential to gaining a real understanding of how physics is done in the laboratory. Specific laboratories will be based on topics from Mechanics, Modern Physics, and E&M, and may also introduce new and exciting areas from the world of physics. Additionally, this course will also establish for students writing and presentation skills critical to communicating in the field of physics. The writing and presentation component of this course will be tightly coupled to the laboratory component.
  • PHY 3301 - Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism

    Credits: 4
    Electrostatics in free space and in dielectric media, magnetostatics in free space and in magnetic media, scalar, and vector potentials, electromagnetic induction, and introduction to Maxwell’s equations.
    Course includes laboratory.
    Prerequisites Physics 2211.
  • PHY 3309 - Investigations in Physics II

    Credits: 1.00
    This is the second course in the Investigation sequence. The structure of this course is the same Investigation I, with the expectation that quality of this Investigation will be higher. As in the first course, Investigation questions can be related to any realm of physics that is of personal interest, and students may choose to develop further on previous Investigation projects. Students are free to enroll in this course as many times as they wish, with each successive enrollment appearing on a student’s transcript as a separate class.
    Prerequisites Physics 2209 and 3301 or permission of the instructor.
  • PHY 3311 - Thermodynamics

    Credits: 4
    Understanding thermodynamics means understanding how energy is allocated in simple and complex systems. This course will cover the basic laws of thermodynamics, equations of state, thermodynamic potentials, and classical and quantum statistics of gases. All aspects of the course will consider connections between theory and application.
    Prerequisites Physics 2212.
  • PHY 3312 - Foundations of Modern Physics II

    Credits: 4.00
    This course continues to introduce student to some of the experimental and theoretical breakthroughs that laid the foundations of contemporary physics. We begin the course by studying statistical physics and cover topics such as Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, and Fermi-Dirac statistics. Other topics include atomic structure; Zeeman effect; spin-orbit coupling; molecular structure, bonding, rotation, and vibration; solid state physics, band theory, semi-conductors, superconductivity, and lasers; nuclear structures, models, fusion, and fission; and the standard model of elementary particle physics and beyond.
    Prerequisites Physics 2203
  • PHY 3313 - Computer Modeling of Physical Systems

    Credits: 4
    This course is an introduction to modeling complex systems through application of computational numerical methods and graphing techniques using the software package Mathematica. Specific topics include: numerical techniques of integration and differentiation, analytical and numerical solutions of systems of differential equations, iterative procedures, symbolic manipulation of equations, use and manipulation of lists, procedural and functional programming, the use of rules in Mathematica, structured programming using loops and lists, and development of computer animations. Students will model systems from a wide range of areas such as Newtonian mechanics, electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, and thermodynamics.  
    Prerequisites PHY 2202 Intermediate Mechanics
  • PHY 3314 - Astrophysics

    Credits: 4.0
    This course is an overview of current knowledge about the astronomical universe, with an emphasis on the experimental methods and theoretical models used by physicists to study astronomical objects. Subjects include observational properties of stars, methods of observation and analysis of light, nature of stellar systems and interstellar material, principles and models of stellar structure, stellar evolution from protostars to black holes, variable stars, galaxies and fundamentals of cosmology.
    Prerequisites PHY 2202 Intermediate Mechanics
  • PHY 3365 - Special Topics in Physics

    Credits: 4
    The study of a selected topic in the discipline. Different topics are chosen for each offering, based on students’ interests and needs.
  • PHY 3395 - Internships in Physics

    Credits: 0-4
    Supervised field experiences in appropriate settings, usually off-campus, designed to assist students in acquiring and using skills and knowledge of the discipline unique to the selected topic.
  • PHY 3398 - Independent Studies in Physics

    Credits: 0-4
    Directed study planned and conducted with reference to the needs of those students who are candidates for departmental honors. Qualified students who are not candidates for such honors but who desire to do independent studies are also admitted with permission of the Department.
  • PHY 4401 - Quantum Mechanics

    Credits: 4
    In this course, students will investigate the origins of quantum theory, the Schrödinger equation, physical interpretations of quantum mechanics, and solutions to one- and three-dimensional problems including spin. Topics include solving the time-dependent and time-independent Schrödinger equation, development of the uncertainty principle, solutions for the infinite and finite square well problems, study of the harmonic oscillator and free particle solutions. A large part of the course is devoted to developing the formalism of Quantum Mechanics, wavefunctions as vectors in Hilbert spaces, eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of operators, commutators of operators and the Dirac notation. Solutions are obtained for the hydrogen problem in 3-D, including the study of the angular momentum and spin operators.
    Prerequisites PHY 2203 Foundations of Modern Physics I
  • PHY 4465 - Special Topics in Physics

    Credits: 4
    The study of a selected topic in the discipline. Different topics are chosen for each offering, based on students’ interests and needs.
  • PHY 4491 - Physics Seminar

    Credits: 1
    The senior capstone involves students in novel physics research. This can either be independent research or a project that serves as part of a faculty member’s long-term research agenda. In either case, students will develop their skills as physicists by theorizing about and experimenting on physical systems. Finally, students will write a short research paper describing their project and present their project and results to the department.
  • PHY 4495 - Internships in Physics

    Credits: 0-4
    Supervised field experiences in appropriate settings, usually off-campus, designed to assist students in acquiring and using skills and knowledge of the discipline unique to the selected topic.
  • PHY 4498 - Independent Studies in Physics

    Credits: 0-4
    Directed study planned and conducted with reference to the needs of those students who are candidates for departmental honors. Qualified students who are not candidates for such honors but who desire to do independent studies are also admitted with permission of the Department.
  • PSI 1101 - Introduction to Political Science

    Credits: 4
    A survey of political systems with an emphasis on theoretical principles of government and the citizen’s relationship to the state. The course will also examine the methodology of the discipline of political science, including various aspects of the political and governmental process.
    McDaniel Plan: Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding.

  • PSI 1115 - Promises to Keep: Intro to Minority Politics

    Credits: 4.00
    This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of how minority groups operate within the political system of the United States. The substantive focus of the course will be on the major theories that attempt to explain the roles of minorities in U.S. politics and the ways in which individuals use race as resources for political organization. We will examine the phenomenon of race in the political development of the United States and how minorities have been represented on policy issues that are of particular importance to them. Specifically, we will focus on the three largest minority groups in the country- Latinos, African Americans, and Asian Americans. Some of the detailed topics we will cover include, but are not limited to: basic theories and concepts applied to the study of minority politics, levels of political incorporation among minority groups, obstacles to equal representation, the relationship between the political majority and minority groups, the economic and political resources of minorities, immigration and population trends, and the recent developments that are changing the landscape of identity politics. Finally, we will look at the political attitudes and behaviors of minority populations in order to measure their contemporary political influence.
  • PSI 1120 - American Political Thought

    Credits: 4
    American Political Thought is a course in the area of political theory (such as Ancient and Modern Political Thought) that focuses on philosophers and theorists of the Americas. The most influential thinkers from the Americas include Simon Bolivar from Latin America, the Founding Fathers of the American Republic of the United States, some Canadian scholars, and women of the Americas who have not been included in the traditional “Modern” canon designation. It provides an overview of the most important political thinkers in this hemisphere and in doing so fills in any gaps that exist in PSI 1111 and 1112.
    McDaniel Plan: Social,, Cultural, and Historic Understanding

  • PSI 1151 - Law, Order, and Social Change in America

    Credits: 4
    Interrelations between law and the political system in the United States: the Constitution, legislation, administrative regulations, judicial decisions, and courts in politics.
  • PSI 1198 - Independent Studies in Political Science

    Credits: 0-4
    Directed study planned and conducted with reference to the needs of those students who are candidates for departmental honors. Qualified students who are not candidates for such honors but who desire to do independent studies are also admitted with permission of the Department.
  • PSI 2201 - American Political Institutions

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the organization of the American government and its relationships to political life. Such topics as the constitutional context, the importance of interest groups, the influence of the media, voter behavior, and the executive, legislative, and judicial branches will also be considered. Sustained attention and special focus is directed to the development and growth of the modern Presidency.
    McDaniel Plan: Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding.

  • PSI 2202 - State and Local Government

    Credits: 4
    A comprehensive survey of state, county, and urban politics and administration with emphasis on the evolving federal relationship, the development of strong governors, and the emergence of professional state legislatures. Special attention is given to Maryland problems, prospects, policy dynamics and the environment as well as to the politics of public education.
    McDaniel Plan: Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding.

  • PSI 2203 - International Law and Organization

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the history, purpose, environmental policy and scope of international law and organizations. Questions this course attempts to answer include: How does international law affect states, international organizations, non-state actors, and individuals? Who creates international law, and who is governed by it? What is the relation between international and domestic law? What role do international organizations play in the international system? How does membership in international organizations influence states’ abilities to achieve their goals?
    Prerequisites Political Science and International Studies 1101.
    McDaniel Plan: International Nonwestern

  • PSI 2204 - Approaches to International Relations

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the major theories and approaches for analyzing global developments, studying the structure and organization of the international system, examining the various actors shaping world politics, exploring causes of conflicts and means for conflict resolution, and reflecting on the future of international relations and the role of individuals in the world community.
  • PSI 2205 - The European Union: History, Institutions, and Major Policies (Offered at the Budapest Campus)

    Credits: 4
    This is a one-semester course encompassing all essential features of European integration and the existing European Union.
  • PSI 2206 - American Political Thought

    Credits: 4.00
    An overview of American political thought from the colonial period to the end of the twentieth century.  Main topics include the origins of American democracy, the debate over the constitution, the expansion of individual rights, the problems associated with industrialization, and contemporary American liberalism and conservatism.  The course is taught on the Budapest campus and is specifically designed to acquaint non-American students with the development of the political culture that underlies modern American democracy.
  • PSI 2207 - American Public Policy

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the major theoretical, conceptual, and practical issues in the study of public policy and the policy process, with examples drawn from current issues in American policy. These may include education, civil liberties, political economy, environmental policy, welfare, and energy.
    Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding.
  • PSI 2208 - Inventors of Political Ideas: Intro to Political Theory

    Credits: 4.00
    This is an introduction to political theory through the close study and critical assessment of selected original works by leading Western political thinkers. Students will be introduced to the central concepts in political theory including justice, virtue, sovereignty, liberty, equality, state of nature, social contract, democracy, liberalism, and republicanism. We will also explore similarities and differences between the ancients and moderns, especially the relationship between nature or natural law and politics, the relationship between morality and politics, the relationship between the individual and the state, the role of religion in politics, and the equality or inequality of human beings.
    McDaniel Plan: Social, Cultural and Historical Understanding, Textual Analysis

  • PSI 2213 - Comparative Politics of Europe

    Credits: 4
    A comparative methodological analysis of the Western European governments of the United Kingdom, France, and Germany with an emphasis on systems analysis, political culture, structural-functionalism, and elite analysis. All three polities are members of the European Union which is also analyzed with relation to the regional integration of Europe.
    McDaniel Plan: International Western.

  • PSI 2214 - African Politics through Literature

    Credits: 4
    It is often difficult for Westerners to grasp the intricacies and subtlety of African politics. Literature can be used as a vehicle for discussing the difficult topics that arise in a relatively exciting and stress-free manner. African authors like Ngugi wa Thiongo, Chinua Achebe, Buchi Emecheta, and Nadine Gordimer provide historical context and local color while dealing with issue that continue to confront African governments such as the colonial encounter/ legacy, poverty/underdevelopment, the role of women, and Africa’s place in the global community. This course is designed to emphasize politics viewed through the lens of African authors, for who can better tell the stories than those who live them? The selected texts reflect both an historical and a geographical coverage of Africa. Film may be used to complement the novels.
    McDaniel Plan: International Western.

  • PSI 2216 - United States Campaigns and Elections

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the development of American election campaigns from party-based to candidate-centered and media-oriented. The course features in-depth coverage of the role of public opinion polling and its various strategic and tactical uses in campaign politics. Among the topics related to survey research will be sampling, question wording, questionnaire design, and analysis of the results.
    McDaniel Plan: Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding.

  • PSI 2217 - Contemporary African Politics

    Credits: 4
    The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the study of contemporary African politics. Readings and lectures will focus on the historical, cultural, and economic aspects of African political development from the colonial era through today. Particular attention will be paid to issues and problems that face contemporary African governments. We will also address Africa’s interconnectedness to the Western world.
    McDaniel Plan: International Nonwestern.

  • PSI 2219 - Research Design and Methods

    An introduction to the steps involved in designing social science research and to understanding and interpreting quantitative data and conducting basic statistical analysis.  Students learn how to develop researchable questions, formulate testable hypotheses, decide on the most appropriate methods for measuring concepts, testing hypotheses, analyzing data, writing up findings and presenting results.
    McDaniel Plan: Quantitative Reasoning

  • PSI 2236 - The Politics of the Middle East

    Credits: 4.0

    This course offers students a multidisciplinary overview of the nature of contemporary politics in the Middle East. In so doing, it concerns itself with sets of questions regarding the political roles of Islam, the changing dynamics of authoritarianism, the relationship between democracy and peace, the political and social effects of demographic and socioeconomic trends, and the importance and leverage of international forces.  
    McDaniel Plan: International Nonwestern; Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding

  • PSI 2265 - Special Topics in Political Science

    Credits: 4
    The study of a selected topic in the discipline. Different topics are chosen for each offering, based on students’ interests and needs.
  • PSI 2271 - United Nations Simulation

  • PSI 2295 - Internships in Political Science

    Credits: 0-4
    Supervised field experiences in appropriate settings, usually off-campus, designed to assist students in acquiring and using skills and knowledge of the discipline unique to the selected topic.
  • PSI 2298 - Independent Studies in Political Science

    Credits: 0-4
    Directed study planned and conducted with reference to the needs of those students who are candidates for departmental honors. Qualified students who are not candidates for such honors but who desire to do independent studies are also admitted with permission of the Department.
  • PSI 3306 - National Security in a Changing World

    Credits: 4
    A survey of the international and domestic factors that shape contemporary U.S. national security policy and strategy. The course provides a brief introduction to traditional conceptions of military strategy and the use of force, examines the extent to which domestic political factors influence national security policy-making, and explores the merits and shortfalls of future national security strategies. Topics discussed include civil-military relations, leadership and accountability, terrorism, peacemaking and peacekeeping, and resource management.
    Prerequisites Political Science and International Studies 1101 (recommended).
    Cross-listed with Sociology 3306.
  • PSI 3307 - U.S. Foreign Policy

    Credits: 4
    An overview over U.S. foreign policy from the Second World War to present. The primary objective is to acquire a general understanding of the main ideas, events, and strategies that have shaped U.S. foreign policy over the past half-century. Topics discussed include containment, deterrence, the nuclear arms race, humanitarian intervention and the use of force, economic assistance and trade, and a number of regional and thematic issues.
  • PSI 3308 - American Constitutional Law

    Credits: 4
    Introduction to the study of the principles of constitutional law as related to the changing political, social, economic and environmental problems of the United States; the role of the Supreme Court in the political process.
    McDaniel Plan: Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding.

  • PSI 3310 - Politics of Latin American Development

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the political, social, environmental policy, and economic problems of “third world” development with Latin America as the regional area of focus. The models of corporatism, bureaucratic-authoritarianism, civil-military relations, and dependency theory are applied to case studies in Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, and Peru. An examination of the role of women in development as well as the impact of development on the environment is also included. Sustainable development models are offered as an alternative to the failed attempts at development.
    McDaniel Plan: International Nonwestern.

  • PSI 3312 - The Politics of African Diaspora

    Credits: 4
    This course will entail an examination of the political/historical/social processes of African nationalism and the American civil rights movement as a global phenomenon. Framed by the defining moments of the 20th century (i.e. WWI, WWII, the Viet Nam Conflict, the Cold War), students will examine the ideas of pan- Africanist/Nationalist thinkers such as Aimee Cesaire, Frantz, Fanon, Amilcar Carbral, Kwame Nkrumah, Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. DuBois, A. Philip Randolph, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X. Topics to be explored include: the idea of African diaspora; pan-Africanism; collective self-determination; the construction of gender roles and configurations of class within nationalist discourses; and the role of African cultural expression in freedom struggles. We may also examine a few contemporary legacies of the diasporic African nationalist movement.
    McDaniel Plan: International Nonwestern; Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding.

  • PSI 3313 - Politics of Global Feminisms

    Credits: 4
    Students in this course will examine the development and content of a worldwide feminist movement. Its diversity, complexity, and contested nature is what characterizes the movement as consisting of multiple feminisms rather than a single unifying ideology and practice. We will examine in depth the concerns and challenges facing women in the western world in contrast to the concerns of women in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean in the age of globalization.
    McDaniel Plan: International Nonwestern.

  • PSI 3315 - The Politics of Ethnicity and Nationalism

    Credits: 4
    Differences between people – ethnicity, culture, race, language, religion – are at the center of most contemporary internal conflicts. By extension, the implications for international relations are serious since most countries in existence today are not ethnically or culturally homogenous. The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the study of ethnicity and nationalism, a serious and complex undertaking. Some of the critical questions we will address are: What is ethnicity? What are the sources of nationalism? Why are ethnic/nationalist differences seemingly so intractable? How might governments manage differences among citizens? How might international coalitions deal with ethnic/nationalist conflicts that influence the international system?
    McDaniel Plan: International Nonwestern.

  • PSI 3316 - Comparative Revolutions I

    Credits: 4.00
    This course is the first of a two-semester sequence on Comparative Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements. It is designed to critically analyze and compare revolutions and revolutionary movements in terms of their origins, rationale, methodologies, and degrees of success in fulfilling their avowed goals. All revolutions are unique but there are important analytical and methodological tools by which to compare and contrast them. Comparative Revolutions I will explore the revolutions in Europe, Latin America, and Asia. After looking at the revolutions in France, Russia, Mexico, and China; we will consider the revolution in Cuba as an archetype for other third world revolutions, not only those in Latin America, such as in Nicaragua, but all over the third world. The course will include the revolutionary movements of the Zapatistas in Mexico, the mass demonstrations and labor actions in Argentina after the economic collapse of 1999-2002, the Shining Path in Peru, and the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela; revolutionary movements in South Korea in the March First Uprising, the Korean student movements, and the Kwangju Democratization Movement “5/18;” and the Democracy Movement in China.

    McDaniel Plan:
    McDaniel Plan: International Nonwestern; Social Cultural and Historical Understanding

  • PSI 3318 - Comparative Revolutions II

    Credits: 4.00
    This course explores the theory and practice of revolutions and revolutionary movements in Africa and the Middle East.  The latter include the Arab Spring uprisings and the historical continuity of those movements for change and dignity that have found expression in the United States in the “Occupy Wall Street ” movement, the indignados” of Spain, and other “Occupy Movements” that have sprung up in Europe and around the world. This is the second half of a two-semester sequence on comparative revolutions and revolutionary movements.
    McDaniel Plan: International Western; Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding

  • PSI 3319 - American Civil Liberties

    Credits: 4
    A study of the First Amendment and the Fourth Estate with an emphasis on the major Supreme Court decisions on freedom of speech, press, environmental policy, communication law, assembly, and the law of mass media. This course involves students in classroom simulations and visits to courts.
    McDaniel Plan: Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding.

  • PSI 3325 - International Relations of Asia-Pacific

    Credits: 4.00
    This course examines in some depth past and current geopolitical and security issues in the Asia-Pacific region, with specific focus on the foreign policies and international relations of selected countries in Northeast Asia (China, Japan, Korea) and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand). We will discuss and debate key events and shifts in regional security architecture that continue to shape the region in the 21st century, and pose questions about its future. Some questions include how China and India’s rise are shaping the region, and how ongoing disputes about territories among key members of Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and other countries might affect the future stability of the region.

    Prerequisites/Co-requisites PSI 2204
    McDaniel Plan: International Nonwestern, Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding

  • PSI 3333 - Conflict Resolution, Peacemaking, and Peacekeeping in Post-Cold War World

    Credits: 4
    This course is designed to expose students to the multifaceted nature of conflict on the inter and intra state levels, historically, and in the current post Cold War period. This objective will be achieved by exploring the sources, causes, environmental impact, and determinants of conflict, presenting the various perspectives on the genesis and the amelioration of conflict, and utilizing some case method analysis to demonstrate the life cycles of some specific conflicts and the management or resolution thereof. The cases vary each semester but have included the following: The Middle East Conflict, the Anglo-Irish Conflict, the Gulf War (and now the second war against Iraq), the war on terrorism, and the conflict in former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. The course also covers the spread of radical fundamentalist Islam as a source of conflict in the Post Cold War World and specifically with regard to the “War on Terror.”
    McDaniel Plan: International Nonwestern.

  • PSI 3365 - Special Topics in Political Science

    Credits: 4
    The study of a selected topic in the discipline. Different topics are chosen for each offering, based on students’ interests and needs.
  • PSI 3395 - Internships in Political Science

    Credits: 0-4
    Supervised field experiences in appropriate settings, usually off-campus, designed to assist students in acquiring and using skills and knowledge of the discipline unique to the selected topic.
  • PSI 3398 - Independent Studies in Political Science

    Credits: 0-4
    Directed study planned and conducted with reference to the needs of those students who are candidates for departmental honors. Qualified students who are not candidates for such honors but who desire to do independent studies are also admitted with permission of the Department.
  • PSI 4465 - Special Topics in Political Science

    Credits: 4
    The study of a selected topic in the discipline. Different topics are chosen for each offering, based on students’ interests and needs.
  • PSI 4492 - Senior Seminar

    Credits: 4
    An analysis of various topical or recurring problems in the area of either domestic or international politics. This course serves as a focal point for an integration of methodology, theory, and substantive problem areas.
  • PSI 4493 - Honors Project

    Credits: 4
    An independent research paper for students who are candidates for departmental honors.
  • PSI 4495 - Internships in Political Science

    Credits: 0-4
    Supervised field experiences in appropriate settings, usually off-campus, designed to assist students in acquiring and using skills and knowledge of the discipline unique to the selected topic.
  • PSI 4498 - Independent Studies in Political Science

    Credits: 0-4
    Directed study planned and conducted with reference to the needs of those students who are candidates for departmental honors. Qualified students who are not candidates for such honors but who desire to do independent studies are also admitted with permission of the Department.
  • PSY 1106 - Introduction to Psychology

    Credits: 4
    An introductory course designed to develop an understanding of the basic principles governing behavior, with emphasis on the scientific method of studying behavior. Intelligence, motivation, emotion, perception, learning, personality, workplace issues, and social factors that influence the individual will be considered.
    McDaniel Plan: Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding

  • PSY 1140 - Coping with Stress

    Jan Term Only
  • PSY 2201 - Psychology of Learning and Animal Laboratory

    Credits: 4
    This course provides an overview of the fundamental processes of learning based on the principles of operant and Pavlovian conditioning. Topics discussed include research methodology, stimulus control, schedules of reinforcement, and contemporary models of choice behavior. Students participate in three additional hours of laboratory work per week during which they collect and interpret animal subject data.
    Prerequisites Psychology 1106 and Psychology major, or permission of instructor.
    McDaniel Plan: Scientific Inquiry with Laboratory.

  • PSY 2204 - Social Psychology

    Credits: 4
    This course will introduce students to research and theory in social psychology. Social psychology involves the study of how other people (real, imagined, or implied) influence our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. This course will include discussion of research in the areas of the self, social cognition, conformity, persuasion, group behavior, stereotyping and prejudice, attraction, aggression, prosocial behavior, and gender and culture.
    Prerequisites Psychology 1106.
    McDaniel Plan: Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding.

  • PSY 2209 - Developmental Psychology

    Credits: 4
    The study of developmental changes from the prenatal period through adolescence, with particular emphasis on how physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development interact in forming the whole person. Special attention will be given to theoretical perspectives, the contexts within which development operates (home/school), and the application of research to current topics.
    Prerequisites Education 1141, First Year Seminar 1111, or Psychology 1106.
    McDaniel Plan: Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding.

  • PSY 2211 - Abnormal Psychology

    Credits: 4
    The incidence, causes, treatment, and prevention of abnormal behavior of persons; major focus on adult populations.
    Prerequisites Psychology 1106.
  • PSY 2214 - Behavioral Neuroscience

    Credits: 4

    Behavioral Neuroscience investigates the relationship between the brain and behavior.  The first part of the course is designed to provide students with a solid background in the fundamentals of neuroanatomy, nervous conduction and psychopharmacology; this will allow students to actively participate in classroom discussions in the second part, when major issues in behavioral neuroscience such as learning, memory, emotions, sleep, biological rhythms, and stress are investigated.
    Prerequisites Psychology 1106
    McDaniel Plan: Scientific Inquiry

  • PSY 2215 - Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Laboratory

    Credits: 4
     This course will introduce students to theory and research in cognitive psychology: how the human brain and mind give rise to our perceptions, thoughts, and feelings. Topics discussed will include perception, attention, memory, language, emotion, reasoning and judgment, conscious and unconscious mental processing and cognitive models.
    Prerequisites Psychology 1106
    McDaniel Plan: Scientific Inquiry with Laboratory

  • PSY 2223 - Psychological Methods & Statistics I

    Credits: 4
    This course offers an introduction to research methods in psychology and statistical analysis. Non-experimental research methods and descriptive statistics are emphasized. Students will learn how to translate psychological constructs into measurable variables and describe patterns of data including measures of central tendency, variability, correlation, and regression.
    This course is the first part of a two-part series required for Psychology Majors (PSY 2223 – PSY 2224).
    Prerequisites Psychology 1106 and Mathematics 1001, 1002 or placement above MAT 1002.
  • PSY 2224 - Psychological Methods & Statistics II and Lab

    Credits: 4
    This course focuses on experimental research design and inferential statistics. Statistical tests include t-tests; analysis of variance for between groups factors, within-groups factors, and combinations of such factors; and non-parametric tests. The weekly laboratory session is intended to give students hands-on experience designing experiments and analyzing data.
    This course is the second part of a two-part series required for psychology majors (PSY 2223 – PSY 2224). Completion of this two-part series satisfies the Quantitative Reasoning Requirement.
    Prerequisites Psychology 2223.
    McDaniel Plan: Quantitative Reasoning (with PSY 2223).

  • PSY 2265 - Special Topics in Psychology

    Credits: 4
    The study of a selected topic in the discipline. Different topics are chosen for each offering, based on students’ interest and needs.
  • PSY 2274 - Internship in Clinical Psychology

    Jan Term Only
  • PSY 2295 - Internships in Psychology

    Credits: 0-4
    Supervised field experiences in appropriate settings, usually off-campus, designed to assist students in acquiring and using skills and knowledge of the discipline unique to the selected topic.
  • PSY 2298 - Independent Studies in Psychology

    Credits: 0-4
    Directed study planned and conducted with reference to the needs of those students who are candidates for departmental honors. Qualified students who are not candidates for such honors but who desire to do independent studies are also admitted with permission of the Department.
  • PSY 2305 - Health Psychology

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the foundation and practice of health psychology.  A bio-psycho-social perspective is applied to the promotion and maintenance of health and the prevention and treatment of illness.  Behavioral components of health risk factors and improvement of the health care system are addressed.
    Prerequisites/Co-requisites Psychology 1106
  • PSY 2337 - Counseling Psychology

    Credits: 4.00
    This course provides an overview of theories of counseling psychology, including cognitive,
    behavior, psychodynamic, humanistic, and interpersonal theories. Students will develop an
    understanding of each theory, as well as the ability to evaluate theories and apply them to
    clinical cases. The course will also review the history and state of the field of counseling
    psychology, including current research and controversies.
    Prerequisites/Co-requisites PSY 1106
  • PSY 3200 - Writing in Psychology

    Credits: 4
    This course is designed as an in-depth foray into writing in the discipline of Psychology. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to write clearly, concisely, and objectively using the format of the American Psychological Association in various formats common in the discipline of Psychology. These objectives will be met with the completion of multiple writing assignments focused on a particular area of Psychology and will require students to read and critically evaluate the primary literature in this area.
    Prerequisites English 1101 with a grade of “C” or better.
    McDaniel Plan: Departmental Writing


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