2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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Professors Bendel-Simso, Carpenter, and Kachur (Department Chair); Associate Professors Dobson, Muhlhauser, and Wronski-Mayersak; Assistant Professor Zajac; Senior Lecturers Nida and Spence; Lecturers Flora-Nakowski and Schafer.
Areas of particular teaching interest: Professor Bendel-Simso: 19th-, 20th-, and 21st-century American literatures, including African-American, Southern, literature by women; mystery and detective fiction; Professor Carpenter: modern British literature, Victorian literature, colonial/post-colonial literature and theory; Professor Dobson: rhetoric, literary nonfiction, advanced writing; Professor Flora-Nakowski: Composition and Peer Tutoring; Professor Kachur: 18th- and 19th-century British literature, humor writing, gothic literature, postmodernism; Professor Muhlhauser: multimedia authoring, visual rhetoric; Professor Nida: composition, Appalachian literature, literature by women; Professor Schafer: professional communication, rhetoric, sports writing; Professor Spence: linguistics, grammar, nature writing; Professor Wronski-Mayersak: Medieval literature, mysticism, drama, and critical theory; Professor Zajac: Renaissance literature, Shakespeare in popular culture.
The English Department strives to equip our students to read and think critically and creatively and to express themselves in lucid speech, writing, and design. To accomplish this, our students:
- Read a broad variety of literatures in English in their historical, social, cultural, political, economic, and psychological contexts;
- Write within scholarly and creative genres;
- Analyze and evaluate oral, written and visual modes of expression through the use of literary and rhetorical theory;
- Produce print and digital texts designed for multiple audiences.
Our goal is to foster reflective, dedicated, lifelong learners.
The study of English has enabled graduates to succeed in advanced study in a variety of fields, and to pursue a broad range of career paths, including publishing, teaching at all levels, journalism, professional writing, business, library science, social work, government service, public relations, social media, and law.
Other educational options in English: Minors in Literature, Writing, Journalism and New Media, and Popular Literature.
Please see English teacher certification requirements in English.
Please see the dual major with Theatre Arts .
Departmental Honors
To receive Honors in English, a student must:
· Have a grade point average of 3.50 or above in all courses taken in the major;
· Earn an “A” in ENG 4492 Senior Seminar;
· Have the recommendation of the English Department.
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