Feb 07, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition, Fees, and Financial Policies

McDaniel College has always attempted to keep its fees within the reach of those students coming from families with moderate incomes while offering a liberal arts education of outstanding value.

The regular academic year for undergraduates consists of a fall semester, the January Term, and a spring semester. Students enrolling for 12 or more credit hours in the fall and spring semesters are charged tuition as full-time students. Students enrolled for more than 20 credits per semester are billed for each credit hour over 20. Students enrolling for less than full time will be charged at the part-time rate. However, all resident students, whether full or part time will pay the full-time tuition rate.

Information on Jan Term charges for tuition and housing requirements is provided in the Undergraduate Student Expenses section.

Tuition and Payment of Bills


 Full-time students are charged a flat tuition fee of $21,630 per semester. The tuition for part-time and special students is $1,392 per credit hour.

McDaniel College divides basic charges into two half-year billings, the first payable by July 1, 2019, and the second by Dec. 15, 2020. An additional charge (late payment penalty) of 1 percent a month on the unpaid balance or $25, whichever is greater, will be added if payment is not received in the Bursar’s Office on or before the payment due date and on the unpaid balance of each succeeding month throughout the session. The proceeds of Federal Direct or PLUS Loans are exempt from the late payment penalty provided a completed application is received by the Financial Aid Office at least four weeks prior to the first day of the semester. Additional bills for miscellaneous fees, library fines, property damages, etc., are available online as charges are incurred. Checks should be mailed to the Bursar’s Office. No student will be permitted to enter class, receive grades or transcripts, advance from one class to another, or be graduated until all financial obligations are met. The student is responsible for attorney’s fees and other costs necessary for the collection of any amount due.

Students normally pre-register for the following semester during assigned periods as outlined in the Registrar’s Schedule of Classes booklet.

Students may print their class schedules from the Portal and complete their registration prior to the first day of the semester. A $30 late add fee will be charged to students completing their registration after Aug. 30, 2019. A $30 late drop fee will be charged to students withdrawing from a class between Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2019.

For the convenience of parents desiring monthly payment arrangements, McDaniel College in partnership with Tuition Management Systems offers choices to make education affordable. Whether students prefer to pay the semester expenses by an interest-free, 5-month Tuition Contract or a low interest loan, TMS’s counseling services help keep payments affordable and loan debt at a minimum. Families may make inquiries at TMS’s toll-free number 1-800-722-4867 or online at www.afford.com. There is a $75 per semester enrollment fee payable to TMS.

Schedule of tuition and fees follows:

 Undergraduate Student Expenses

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College Year 2019-2020    
Standard Fees per semester Resident Non-Resident
Tuition1 $22,270 $22,270
Residence Hall Room2 $2,704  
Board3 $3,182  
Standard Semester Total $28,156 $22,270
Non-Recurring Fees    
Comprehensive Fee4 $975 $975
Residence Security Deposit5 $250  
1 Students enrolled for more than 20 credit hours are billed an additional $800 for each credit hour over 20.
2 Rate for a standard double room in a traditional Residence Hall.
3 Rate for the Gold Plan (285 meals) per semester which is 19 meals per week. Freshmen living in Residence Halls are required to take the Gold or the Platinum (unlimited) meal plan. Board is optional to residents of Garden Apts. with kitchens, North Village and Pennsylvania Avenue houses, and commuters.
4 One-time initial enrollment fee, which includes the mandatory summer McDaniel Local orientation and the tuition, housing and meals for the first on-campus January Term session.
5 One-time deposit to secure against residence hall damage. Unused balance returned when student leaves campus housing.

January Term 2020

^ Top
    Resident Non-Resident
Tuition (2 credits)*   $790 $790
Physical Education class (1/2 credit)**   $220 $220
Internships/special studies per credit*   $260 $260
Audit (2 credits)**   $500 $500
Math Workshops MAT1001 and MAT1002   no charge  
Room   no charge  
Meals***   36 meals $432  
  42 meals $512  
  60 meals $637  
* Students are required to complete successfully one two-credit-hour January Term course as a requirement for graduation. Full-time degree-seeking undergraduates are entitled to enroll in MDC 1100: My Design and one additional January Term (on campus course or study tour) without paying additional tuition. However, any special fees required by the courses must be paid. All study tours will be billed separately.

** PE classes and audited classes do not meet the two credit graduation requirement. They will be billed for every Jan Term.

*** Students remaining in the residence halls during January Term are required to have at least the 36-block meal plan. Athletes who are not taking classes during January Term, but who are remaining in the residence halls for the duration, are billed for the 36-block meal plan.

Modest increases in tuition, room, and board may be expected each year.

Miscellaneous Fees

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A complete listing of miscellaneous fees, including physical education fees and internship fees, is available in the Bursar’s Office. All fees are subject to change. Some of the fees are as follows:

    Per Semester
Audit Tuition Rate (1/2 of regular credit hour) $696 per credit
Overload (per credit) $800
Student Teaching Fee $850
Music Fees:  
Private lessons, 1/2 hour per week $325
Private lessons, 1 hour per week $660
Course Field Trips $25-$50
Poster Fee $40-$80
Parking Registration Fee Annual (Seniors)                     $250
Parking Registration Fee Annual (Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Transfer students)   $300
Late Registration Fee (per course)   $30
    Per Request
ID Replacement $35
Post Office Key Replacement $50
Transcript Fee Per Official Copy $12

Room Fees

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Freshman, sophomore, and junior students are required to live on campus unless they live with their parents, are married, or are over age 25. Exceptions are made by the Residence Life Office. Students are assigned single, double, or triple rooms in the Residence Halls. Double and single rooms are available in North Village, Garden Apts. and Pennsylvania Avenue houses. The semester rates for these rooms follow:

Residence Halls
  double $2,704   single $3,296
Blanche, Forlines and MacLea Residence Halls
  double $3,017   single $3,499
North Village
  double $3,856   single $4,285
Pennsylvania Avenue Houses
  double $2,982   single $3,425
Garden Apts. with kitchen   
  double $3,524   single $3,980
Garden Apts. without kitchen
  double $3,162   single $3,618

North Village and Pennsylvania Avenue houses are equipped with kitchen facilities.

All students living in College-owned housing will be charged full-time tuition.

All students desiring College housing must make a deposit of $200 in the spring before room assignments will be made for the following fall. This is subsequently credited toward the room charges when billed.

Board Fees

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The College offers the traditional  “meals per week” plans that cater to student needs. Meals are allotted per week so students do not run out of meals. Changes or cancellations to the meal plan must be made within the first two weeks of the semester.

All first year students residing in a traditional residence are required to be on the Platinum meal plan (unlimited entrance to the dining hall) or the Gold meal plan (allows 19 meals per week) for two semesters. Upper class students residing in the residence halls are required to be on at least the Silver meal plan (allows 12 meals per week). Residents of North Village, Garden Apts. with a kitchen, Pennsylvania houses and commuters may select any meal plan option by submitting a request to the Bursar’s Office. The meal plans and the semester costs for 2019-2020 are as follows:

Platinum Plan: $3,322 per semester.  The student is given $50 debit per semester and 3 guest meal passes. 75 meals may be used in the Pub/Grille as a meal exchange. This plan allows unlimited entrance to the dining hall.

Gold Plan: $3,182 per semester. The student is given $50 debit per semester and 3 guest meal passes. 45 meals may be used in the Pub/Grille as a meal exchange. This plan allows 19 meals per week.

Silver Plan: $2,642 per semester. The student is given $50 debit per semester and 3 guest meal passes. 30 meals may be used in the Pub/Grille as a meal exchange. This plan allows 12 meals per week.

Bronze Plan: $1,150 per semester. The student is given $50 debit per semester and 3 guest passes. This plan allows five (5) meals in the Dining Hall per week and can be used for any mealtime- breakfast, lunch or dinner.  Students choose the meal that fits best in their schedule. This plan does not offer any meal exchanges. This meal plan is available to commuter students or provide another option for those students living in non-traditional residence halls.

January Term Meal Plans: 36 meals for $432, 42 meals for $512 or 60 meals for $637 for the 3 week session.  All students residing in the campus residence halls must choose at least the 36 meal plan (12 meals per week), whether they are here for athletics, as student workers, or taking classes.

Students with meal plans have their I.D. cards activated as 1card debit accounts. Commuter students also have debit card capabilities. The card is used to gain access into Englar Dining Hall; purchase books, supplies, and clothing at the College Book Store; purchase meals and snacks at the Pub/Grille, Caseys’ Corner and Green n Go. Please refer to the 1card Dining Plan for more information.

For more information on any of the meal plans, contact the Bursar’s Office.

Health Insurance Fees


A Student Health Insurance fee is charged to all students each academic year. Students who have comparable coverage under another policy may waive the cost by submitting an on-line waiver by the due date. Instructions for completing the waiver are included in the Bursar’s billing cover letter, the insurance brochure, or by contacting the Bursar’s Office. The deadline to waive is Sept. 15, 2019.

Refund Policy


McDaniel College must make financial commitments to its faculty, staff, and service contractors on an annual basis. It is assumed a student will not withdraw from the College during a semester. Should withdrawal become necessary because of prolonged illness or similar unusual circumstance, the following refund policy will prevail:

Tuition refund in event of withdrawal:

First week 80%
Second week 60%
Third week 40%
Fourth week 20%
After fourth week no refund


Room & Board

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A pro rata refund will be made from date of withdrawal. For students who have an 1card Debit Account, all remaining funds will be refunded less a $20 administrative fee.

The effective date of withdrawal is the date upon receipt of the Withdrawal Form in the Office of Academic Affairs. Should a credit balance be generated due to a reduction in tuition or other charges when a student withdraws, policies regarding refunds to federal aid programs will take precedence. Any remaining credit balance will be mailed to the billing address at the end of the academic semester.

It may happen that financial aid postings may exceed the cost of tuition, room, and board. If this occurs, a credit balance will appear on the billing statement. The College will maintain the credit and apply other cost-of-attendance charges such as books, supplies, transportation, miscellaneous personal expenses, or other institutional charges incurred at the student’s discretion. The student may rescind this procedure at any time. The student may request a refund of the credit from the Bursar’s Office at any time.

Return of Financial Aid


Students who withdraw from the College during the semester may not be eligible for some or all of the financial aid they received for that semester. Funds for which students are no longer eligible must be returned to the appropriate program fund.


Returned Check Policy 


A $30 returned check fee will be charged for each item returned from a bank regardless of the reason it was returned. If an electronic check (Ecommerce/Touchnet) is returned any and all applicable returned check fee(s) will be added as per the agreement signed by student/parent/guardian/spouse or proxy at the time the e-check payment is originally submitted.

Students will be sent a returned check notice specifying the exact date the returned item was presented to their bank.

Checks returned because of stopped payment, account closed or “refer to maker,” cannot be redeposited. The amount of the check plus any applicable returned check fees will become immediately due and payable by the student.

Returned check items must be paid in certified funds (cash, cashier’s check or credit card). McDaniel College will not accept a personal check to pay returned check items (this includes returned check fees). Students who have had three or more checks returned unpaid to McDaniel College for any reason will no longer be permitted to pay financial obligations of any kind using personal checks regardless of whose account the check is drawn from (parent, guardian, spouse, employer, etc.).

Students who have any questions regarding returned checks or have had a check returned to McDaniel College are encouraged to contact the Bursar’s Office as soon as possible.

Bursar Restrictions


Undergraduate account balances not paid by the deadlines are assessed a late fee of $25 or 1 percent per month of the unpaid balance, whichever is greater. McDaniel College encourages students to reach out to the Bursar’s Office and/or Financial Aid to discuss possible options.

In addition, students with past due balances greater than $1,000 will have a Bursar Hold placed on their student records. The Bursar Hold prevents students from:

  • Participating in pre-registration of the upcoming term’s classes
  • Receiving their academic transcripts (must be paid in full)
  • Receiving a diploma (must be paid in full) 

ACH payments take five banking days to clear and credit card payments are cleared within 48 business hours. Once payments have cleared and the student’s account is below $1,000, the Bursar’s restriction will be lifted for pre-registration.

All semester balances must be paid in full prior to the last day of each semester to avoid potential cancellation of the upcoming semester’s registration, room and board.