Mar 14, 2025
ENG 2241 - American Literature I: Liberty and SlaveryCredits: 4 An exploration of America’s most important idea: liberty. Readings from the nation’s founders will be juxtaposed with accounts of colonial and early national life written by captives, slaves, transcendentalists, romancers, and poets with a focus on the idea of liberty, as the authors write it into being, exercise it, seek it, suffer from its lack, and celebrate it. Authors include Jefferson, Wheatley, Equiano, Franklin, Emerson, Stowe, Douglass, Jacobs, Hawthorne, Melville, Poe, Thoreau, Dickinson, Whitman, and Octavia E. Butler. Prerequisites Placement into ENG-1101 McDaniel Plan: Multicultural; Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding; Textual Analysis.
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