Feb 12, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


McDaniel College welcomes applications from men and women who desire the lifelong personal and professional benefits of a liberal arts education and who eagerly enter the partnerships necessary to achieve it. Every year the College enrolls approximately 450 first-year students. In addition to entering first-year students, McDaniel College welcomes applications from students wishing to transfer from community colleges and other four-year colleges and universities.

Campus Information


McDaniel College invites prospective students to visit its campus. Touring the campus; speaking with students, faculty, and administrators; and perhaps eating in the College’s dining hall can add valuable perspective on the College. McDaniel College regularly holds Open Houses that include formal and informal presentations of information on academic programs, student life, financial assistance, and other pertinent topics.

A wide variety of information about the College can be found in the College’s various publications and on the Web site, www.mcdaniel.edu.

Prospective students may request College publications and material as well as schedule campus visits and receive information about Open Houses and other special admissions programs through Admissions e-mail: admissions@mcdaniel.edu or by phoning toll free 1-800-638-5005, by faxing 1-410-857-2757, or by writing to:

The Office of Admissions
McDaniel College
2 College Hill
Westminster, Maryland 21157-4390

Personal interviews, group information sessions, and campus tours are usually available Monday through Friday at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and selected Saturdays by appointment.

Secondary School Background


Prospective applicants should pursue a broad secondary school program. Sixteen high school units of core academic work are usually considered the minimum preparation for college. The College recommends that high school programs include four years of English, three years of social studies, three years of a foreign language, three years of work in laboratory sciences, and three years of mathematics. Whenever possible, students should carry more than the minimum academic load and participate in enriched or accelerated high school courses.

Home Schooling


McDaniel College welcomes applications from students who have been home-schooled for any or all of their high school careers. Students who have official records of any high school or community college work should request that transcripts be sent well in advance of the appropriate application deadline so that those documents may be part of the evaluation process. A portfolio is also strongly recommended, with emphasis on subjects covered, textbooks used, samples of papers or projects completed, and anything else that shows the depth and breadth of the academic experience. Portfolios will vary infinitely based on the individual program of study, and there is no “right” way to assemble one; simply provide as many details as possible to illustrate what you have accomplished. It is also valuable to list your extracurricular activities, leadership experiences, volunteer service, and any community-centered activities or enrichments. In addition, the Common Application Home School Supplement to the Secondary School Report is also required and should be completed by the person(s) responsible for teaching.

Admission Evaluation


McDaniel College evaluates the potential academic success of each candidate by considering the following:

  • Secondary school courses and grades, with special consideration given to accelerated courses;
  • Personal essay (Topics available on The Common Application);
  • Personal traits, goals, and motivation;
  • Recommendations and evaluations by principals, counselors, and teachers;
  • Participation in nonacademic activities; and
  • Aptitude and achievement tests.

Unless qualified for the SAT/ACT Optional Plan (see below), candidates for admission must take either the SAT-I or the ACT. Students should take one of these tests at the end of their junior year so results will be available for completing college applications early in the fall of their senior year. McDaniel does not utilize the writing score on the SAT-I and we do not require the writing component of the ACT. The CEEB code for McDaniel College is 5898; the ACT assessment code is 1756.

SAT/ACT Optional Plan

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This option is open to students who:

  • Are in the top 10 percent of their high school class as verified and reported on the official high school transcript OR
  • Have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or better on a 4.00 scale in college preparatory coursework, for high schools that do not rank students.

Students choosing this option must indicate so by attaching a request in writing to the Common Application.

All students wishing to be considered for non-need based awards and/or the McDaniel Honors Program must submit the results of the SAT/ACT testing.

The Application Process


The College offers two application choices: the Smart Decision Application (www.mcdaniel.edu/undergraduate/admissions/apply) and the Common Application. Students may obtain copies of the Common Application from their high schools or the CommonApp Web site, www.commonapp.org. Students may apply online at the same site.

A complete application for admission consists of the Smart Decision Application or the Common Application form, official secondary school and college (if any) transcripts, official scores from the SAT or ACT tests (unless optional plan, see above), recommendations, and a $50 nonrefundable application fee.  Students may choose any of the following dates by which to apply, and can expect to receive admission and scholarship notification within two to three weeks after each deadline.  Early Action deadlines are November 1 and December 1; Regular Decision deadlines are January 15 and February 15. Complete applications along with a $50 nonrefundable application fee, should be sent to:

The Office of Admissions
McDaniel College
2 College Hill
Westminster, Maryland 21157-4390

The College’s Admissions Committee may request additional high school grades, test scores, admissions interview, and recommendations.

Transfer Application


Each year, about 20 percent of the College’s new students have transferred from two- and four-year colleges and universities. The College grants transfer credit for courses that are standard liberal arts courses or that compare to the offerings of the College from institutions accredited by accrediting agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. No grades of C- or lower will be approved for transfer. Applications from transfer students will be accepted until December 15 for the spring semester and April 1 or June 1 for the fall semester.

To transfer to McDaniel College, students should:

  • Submit The Common Application for Transfer Students along with the nonrefundable $50 application fee,
  • Have official transcripts sent from all secondary and postsecondary institutions attended,
  • Have official SAT or ACT scores sent unless 30 credits have been earned at an accredited institution, and
  • Have the Dean of Students of the previous college complete and send a statement of good standing.

Nontraditional Students


The College encourages applications from adults who have not begun or who have interrupted their college educations. They may enter as either full- or part-time students. Full-time students are eligible for financial assistance. Annually the College enrolls a significant number of these nontraditional students and makes efforts to be sensitive and responsive to their unique academic situations and needs. The Office of Academic Affairs provides advice and support for adult students who return to college and assigns a regular academic advisor. Housing is not available for non-traditional students.

International Students


McDaniel College has enrolled international students since 1890 and continues an active commitment to the broadest educational and social experience particularly in bringing together students from diverse cultures. International students enrich our campus, and the College strives to provide them with an outstanding American education. In this respect, the College is committed to the principles of international education as defined by the National Association of Foreign Student Affairs: Association of International Educators.

To apply for International student admission, submit the following:

  • The Common Application along with the nonrefundable $50 application fee;
  • Official high school records and results from all secondary school, university, and national examinations translated in English;
  • Official SAT or ACT scores. If English is a second language, official copies of the TOEFL or the IELTS must be submitted. Students must have a minimum score of 80 on the TOEFL iBT with a minimum of 20 in each section, or minimum of 550 on the paper examination, or 213 on the internet examination, or minimum of 6.5 on the IELTS.
  • Certificate of Finances Form with official bank statements.

A limited number of scholarships are available to international students who have demonstrated outstanding academic ability. Need-based financial assistance is not available for international students.

McDaniel Honors Program


At a college recognized for changing lives, the McDaniel Honors Program challenges students to develop their intellectual potential as leaders for change in their local and global communities. Students with outstanding high school academic records (e.g. G.P.A., standardized test scores, class rank, honors or AP courses, language courses) are invited to apply to the McDaniel Honors Program. In addition, students who demonstrate strong academic performance and leadership in their first year at McDaniel may apply to join the program at the start of their sophomore year. Transfer students are invited on an individual basis.  In terms of Program requirements, Honors students complete HON 1101: Leading Change and HON 2201: Great Works, in their first year. In subsequent years, students complete four honors modules by taking specially designed Honors seminars, creating an honors-enriched experience by modifying a non-honors course to meet the goals of the Program, or by study abroad. Students work with a faculty mentor to produce a College Scholars Project in their senior year, and present their work to their peers in the Senior Honors Colloquium. Honors students are expected to demonstrate academic excellence throughout their coursework by earning an overall G.P.A. of 3.50 or better by the point of graduation, at which time they are designated as College Scholars and receive this official recognition on their transcripts. Membership in the Honors Program includes privileges such as priority registration, extended library loan, access to a special study space, and suite-style honors housing. Questions regarding the Honors Program should be addressed to the Director of the Honors Program, or e-mailed to honors@mcdaniel.edu

Advanced Placement Test


Advanced Placement exam scores are normally accepted by the College on the following basis:


  • 4 or 5: Students may receive advanced placement plus up to 8 hours credit.
  • 3, 2 or 1: No advanced placement or credit is given.

College Placement and Credit by Examination


In addition to granting college credit based on Advanced Placement Test results, the College grants to enrolling students college credit for Liberal Arts subject areas based on the results of subject tests from the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Placement and credit will be granted to those whose CLEP scores are equal to or above the American Council of Education’s recommended minimum scores. These scores are listed in the College Board’s publication College Placement and Credit by Examination.

Concurrent Enrollment


Credit for college courses taken while a student is still enrolled in high school is determined by the same standards used for granting transfer credit.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma


The College recognizes IB-level work and grants a maximum of one year of credits (32 hours) for examinations in higher-level courses only. Credits are awarded as follows:


  • 5 or higher: Student will receive up to eight hours credit.
  • 4: Student will receive credit at the discretion of the appropriate department.
  • 3 or lower: Student will not receive credit.

IB credits may be counted toward the McDaniel Plan Requirements, major or minor requirements, or electives in the same manner as Advanced Placement credits. Students should confer directly with departments to determine exact placement in departmental courses.

Non-Degree Students


Secondary school students, students from other colleges, and nontraditional students are welcome to enroll for specific classes without completing the regular admission application or enrolling as degree candidates. Non-degree students may take a maximum of sixteen credits before seeking admission to the College. The progress of special students is monitored by the Office of Academic Affairs. Registration forms for non-degree students are available from the Office of the Registrar.

Students with Special Needs


The College makes programs and activities on its campus available to every enrolled student and is committed to offering a campus environment free of discrimination and bias in matters affecting individuals with disabilities. The College admits qualified students and believes that no one should be barred from an education because of a disability. Program accessibility is assured by means of reasonable learning activities offered by the College; the Student Academic Support Services Office provides services to students with disabilities enrolled at the College. As stated in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, it is the student’s responsibility to make their disabling condition known and to request academic adjustments in a timely manner. Educational testing is required and should be no older than two years. In some cases, the Student Academic Support Services Coordinator will call the high school or the professional who performed the testing in order to gain a broader understanding of the student’s abilities.
