Jul 27, 2024  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Degree and McDaniel Plan Requirements

McDaniel College offers the undergraduate degree of Bachelor of Arts, which is generally earned in four years. The College also offers two graduate degrees: the Master of Liberal Arts and the Master of Science.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree


Students must meet the following requirements to graduate from McDaniel College with a Bachelor of Arts degree:

  1. Completion of at least 128 credit hours. The 128 credit hours are distributed among the requirements for Integrated Study in the Liberal Arts, the Major, at least one January Term course, and electives. In keeping with the spirit of a liberal education, it is strongly recommended that no more than 52 credit hours in any one discipline be counted toward the 128 hours required for graduation.
  2. Completion of the requirements of The McDaniel Plan for Integrated Study in the Liberal Arts, including requirements for January Term and Physical Activity and Wellness. Except for requirements in January Term and Physical Activity and Wellness, students may not carry courses that meet Integrated Study requirements under the Credit-Fail option.
  3. Completion of at least one of the academic majors, including the Capstone Experience, offered by the College with an overall 2.00 GPA in the major. Students must have a 2.00 or better average in all courses required for the major, including supplementary courses outside the department or program of the major. The major GPA for double and dual majors is calculated separately for each department. To complete a double or dual major, students must have at least a 2.00 GPA in each subject area and supplementary courses.
  4. A cumulative grade point average of 2.00 (“C”) or above in all work taken at the College.
  5. Completion of the last 32 hours, not including the semester in education, in residence at the College. Normally, a student who has been in residence two years or more will be permitted to take as many as eight of the last 32 hours off campus. If these are required for a major or a minor, the department or program head must approve as well. Courses taken at the Budapest campus, in affiliated study abroad programs, the U.N. Semester, the Washington Semester, and other approved programs count as courses taken in residence. Students with questions should contact the Registrar’s Office.

Transfer students and others seeking advanced placement should consult with their academic advisor and the Registrar’s Office to determine applicable requirements.

Certain of the requirements in Integrated Study in the Liberal Arts may be satisfied or reduced by scores on Advanced Placement (AP), or College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests, International Baccalaureate (IB) work, on “Higher” level exams. These results will be determined on an individual basis by the Registrar’s Office and will be made known to the student and their advisor.

The College reserves the right to change any provision or requirement at any time within a student’s period of residence. If a change is made, students have the option of following the requirements in the catalog in effect when a student first matriculated at the College.

Academic Program: The McDaniel Plan


The McDaniel Plan provides a liberal education that combines a comprehensive program of general education and a rigorous program in the major, complemented by electives and a range of special opportunities. The requirements of The McDaniel Plan will apply to all first-year students who enroll in the College in 2008-2009. Upperclass students, both continuing and transfer, are referred to the 2006-2007 Undergraduate Catalog.

Many courses may be counted in fulfillment of more than one requirement. Please consult the listing of courses by department and the designations after each course.

I. Integrated Study in the Liberal Arts

  1. First Year Seminar. First Year Seminars are innovative topical and thematic courses on a range of subjects suitable for first-year students that provide an introduction to the liberal arts and an academic transition to college. They seek to excite students intellectually and engage them as scholars. In addition to offering a rigorous academic content, First Year Seminars focus on fundamental skills that are necessary for academic success: critical thinking, effective writing, analytic reading, and oral communication.

    Additionally, courses engage students as members of the McDaniel community by providing an introduction to important dimensions of the College: the nature of the liberal arts and sciences, The First Principles, the Honor System, academic expectations, information literacy, study skills and time management, cultural and co-curricular opportunities, and choosing a major.

    Seminars are limited to 15 students, and Seminar instructors serve as students’ first academic advisors. All first-year students must enroll in a First Year Seminar in the fall semester. For a list of First Year Seminars offered in 2008, see Academic Departments and Programs of Instruction.
  2. Introduction to College Writing. All first-year students will be given introductory instruction in writing through course work offered by the English Department. As determined by the online placement examination, students will be placed in either ENG 1002: College Composition or ENG 1101: The Argument. Students must complete ENG 1101 with a grade of “C” or higher. If a student does not earn a grade of “C,” he or she must take the course again by the end of the sophomore year and earn a grade of “C” or better.

    Incoming students who have earned scores of 700 or higher on the SAT verbal test or SAT II in English will satisfy the first-year writing requirement. Students who have earned a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Language test or a score of 5 on the AP Literature test satisfy the first-year writing requirement and will receive 4–8 additional credits. No additional credit will be awarded for SAT scores.
  3. Sophomore Interdisciplinary Studies. Courses offered in the Sophomore Interdisciplinary Studies Program examine an issue, topic or question from an interdisciplinary perspective. In addition to offering an enlarged perspective on the subject, these courses introduce students to the relationships between disciplines: their similarities and differences in content and methods, and the ways in which different disciplines inform and define one another.

    All courses in the Sophomore Interdisciplinary Studies Program are taught collaboratively by faculty from at least two different disciplines, and enrollment in each section will normally be limited to 20 students.

    NOTE: Students in the entering class of 2007 are strongly encouraged, though not required, to enroll in a Sophomore Interdisciplinary Studies course. Many courses count toward requirements in Integrated Study, a major or minor.
  4. Global Citizenship. A McDaniel education is multicultural and international in scope. Students must develop an understanding of the world within and beyond the United States to develop into critical, sensitive, respectful, and compassionate global citizens. To fulfill the Global Citizenship requirement, students must take one course with a multicultural focus, and two courses with an international or cross-cultural focus.
    1. Global Citizenship: Multicultural. Multicultural education will give students an understanding of the cultural pluralism of American society. Multicultural courses focus on the cultures and experiences of diverse groups in the United States that have been historically subordinated or marginalized and defined by such categories as race, gender, sexuality, class, religion, and disability. Students must complete one course with a multicultural focus.
    2. Global Citizenship: International. International education is a critical component of global education. Students must understand, from contemporary and historical perspectives, their place in the global community and be prepared to navigate ever faster and more complex patterns of social and institutional interaction. International courses examine the perspectives and customs of cultures outside the U.S. or the relationship between the U.S. and foreign cultures. Students must complete two courses with an international focus. One of these courses must be nonwestern—that is, it must examine the cultures of Asia, Africa, the indigenous Americas, or the Pacific Rim, either exclusively or in explicit comparison with other regions. One of the two courses may be fulfilled by successful completion of an approved program of study abroad.
  5. Second Language. The study of other languages introduces important avenues of communication and promotes linguistic, cultural, historical, and international understanding. Second language skills are an important and often necessary prerequisite for graduate study and provide an advantage for careers in many fields. McDaniel students must demonstrate proficiency in a second language by one of the following:

    • placing above the third semester of college-level language instruction through an examination administered by the Department of Foreign Languages or the ASL/Deaf Studies Program
    • completing a 2000-level language course
    • completing an approved program of second language in a study abroad program


The level of proficiency set here provides students, in the case of modern spoken languages, with listening comprehension, and the ability to read, write, and hold a simple conversation in the language at a basic functional level established by ACTFL, the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. In the case of a visual language, the equivalent basic functional level for comprehension and conversation is the standard established by ASLTA, the American Sign Language Teachers Association. A fourth semester of college language study might cross-count as an International Global Citizenship Requirement.

Second language study will not be required of students who are demonstrably proficient in a language other than English. (Click here for clarification)

Students who fulfill their language requirement by completing a 2000-level course in ASL must fulfill their Global Citizenship requirement with three International courses instead of two International courses and one Multicultural course.


Departmental Writing. Students will further develop their abilities in writing through a program of departmental writing. Each department or major program at the College provides a course or courses or a strategy to develop writing skills appropriate for its majors. Students must complete the requirement in Departmental Writing as indicated in their declared major. In some cases, this is incorporated into the course requirements for the major; in other cases, it is in addition to the requirements for the major. For further information, see the listings for the individual departments and programs or consult with the chair.

  1. Critical Inquiries in the Liberal Arts. Critical Inquiry courses explore vital areas of knowledge in ways that stretch students’ abilities to inquire and imagine. They focus on key practices and methodologies that are central to the academic search for knowledge and are designed to advance the capacity for clear, critical, and creative thinking and communication across the breadth of the liberal arts. The areas of knowledge covered by these categories are important for the development of thoughtful, informed, and imaginative citizens. Students must take a total of seven courses in Critical Inquiries. Although some courses may count toward several different categories, a given course may be used in fulfillment of only one category.
    1. Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning. Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning courses explore various areas of scientific knowledge and quantitative analysis. Scientific Inquiry courses teach students how scientists ask particular questions and the methods by which they attempt to answer these questions. Quantitative Reasoning courses teach students how to think logically and how to analyze problems. They provide students with the ability to read and use quantitative data, interpret quantitative evidence, and apply basic quantitative skills to problem solving. Students must take three classes in Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning: these three must include one course in Quantitative Reasoning and one Scientific Inquiry course that includes an approved laboratory component.
    2. Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding. Courses in Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding explore the richness of human experience. These courses examine the myriad dimensions of human experience and achievement—ethical, historical, political, psychological, religious, and social—and teach students the methods of research and theoretical analysis necessary for the study of individuals, societies, or cultures. Students must take two courses in Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding.
    3. Textual Analysis and Creative Expression. Human creativity may be defined by and explored from a broad range of disciplinary perspectives—the humanities, sciences, and the fine arts. Creativity usually results in new insights, understanding or aesthetic appreciation. Courses in this category require students to examine creativity from different perspectives. Textual Analysis courses focus on the interpretation of written texts. They provide students with extensive practice in the art of reading and close analysis of sophisticated writing. Creative Expression courses focus on the interpretation of creative texts or products, or on the reflective participation in the creative process itself. Students must take one course in Textual Analysis and one course in Creative Expression.
  2. January Term. January Term is a three-week term between the fall and spring semesters in which students and faculty explore new areas and expand their intellectual horizons. Students choose from specially designed courses offered on and off campus. Some students take advantage of January Term for independent off-campus study or join one of the popular study tours abroad.

    All students must complete one two-credit January Term course. For a fuller description of Jan Term, see below under Electives and Special Opportunities. For a list of Jan Term courses, see Academic Departments and Programs of Instruction.
  3. Physical Activity and Wellness. Each student at McDaniel College must demonstrate an acceptable level of knowledge and competence in four courses or activities that are intended to develop physical fitness and/or promote informed and positive attitudes and behaviors that lead to lifetime wellness. Students may satisfy all or part of this requirement through certification, by departmentally administered competence tests, or by participation in one or more teams in the intercollegiate athletic program. Students will be encouraged to complete at least one course or to participate in at least one activity during each of their years at the college. A credit/fail option is available for all Physical Activity courses that are not taken as a requirement for a specific program.

II. The Major

All students must complete a major. Each major offers a basic program, involving up to 50 credit hours of required course work within the discipline and sometimes from supplementary disciplines.  The McDaniel Plan provides a liberal education that combines proportionate general education and major programs of study, in addition to complementary electives and a range of special opportunities.  In keeping with the spirit of a liberal education, it is strongly recommended that no more than 52 credit hours in any one discipline be counted toward the 128 hours required for graduation. A student must have a 2.00 or better average (on a 4.30 scale) in courses required for the major. In addition to the basic major, many departments offer additional programs that involve particular courses to help students focus on or achieve specific goals.

A double major, which requires the completion of all requirements in two separate majors, is allowed.

Students may not register in the fall of their junior year for spring semester classes until they have submitted a declaration of major and major advisor form to the Registrar’s Office. This requirement does not prevent students from changing majors at a later time.

III. Electives and Special Opportunities


In addition to completing McDaniel Plan required courses for Integrated Study and the Major, students are encouraged to take electives courses in departments across the College. Electives should be selected with care and imagination in consultation with the academic advisor to provide valuable perspectives, information, and skills.

Dual Majors

Many departments offer students the option of combining work from two or more disciplines to achieve a program with a broader perspective. Usually a dual major requires more semester hours than a basic major in a single department. For dual majors, the student will be required to have a 2.00 GPA for all courses required by each separate discipline.

Student-Designed Major and Minor


The option of a student-designed major/minor is available to students whose academic interests and goals cannot be served by existing programs. Such a major/minor, designed by the student to meet particular goals, must be comparable in size and expectation to the conventional major/minor. Particularly, it must be cohesive, integrated, and possess significant breadth and depth.

The initial proposal for a student-designed major/minor should be submitted to the Curriculum Committee by the end of the sophomore year. This proposal must include a reason for the proposal and evidence that a standard major/minor will not satisfy the student’s goals. The complete program should be presented (including specific courses to be included in the program and specific areas from which choices must be made). A student-designed major program of studies must include a Capstone Experience. For examples of Capstone Experiences, see the various major/specialization programs of the various disciplines listed in this catalog.

To submit a proposal, students must obtain an advisor willing to oversee the entire program. This program advisor may or may not be the student’s regular faculty advisor, though in any case the regular advisor can obtain the required forms and help in the early stages of program planning. The program advisor will assist in preparing the final form of the proposal.

The student and program advisor are encouraged to consult with the Curriculum Committee during the planning stages of the major/minor in order to avoid problems later. Proposals should be acceptable if the student and program advisor plan thoroughly.

Approved Student-Designed Majors have included such titles as Art in Deaf Culture; Bio-Cultural Anthropology; Classical Civilizations; Criminal Psychology; Medical and Biological Illustration; Public Relations and the Performing Arts; Sports Journalism; Theatre Arts Management; and Women’s Studies.

Appropriate forms are available at the Registrar’s Office.

Minor Programs


Many students have strong secondary interests and elect one or more minor programs in addition to their primary commitment to a major program. This option not only gives students a format for exploring secondary areas, it also gives recognition on a student’s transcript that the student has completed a significant amount of study in an area outside the declared major.

Most departments offer minors, various departments cooperate to sponsor interdisciplinary minors, and some offer vocational or career minors.

January Term


The January Term, an important part of the McDaniel College curriculum since 1969, provides students and faculty with a unique educational experience. Breadth and depth, while vital components of a liberal arts education, should not constitute the only objectives of students or faculty in their common pursuit of learning. January Term is designed to provide a third dimension in this pursuit, intensity. January Term is a period of concentrated study beyond the range of more usual course experiences and a cooperative venture in which faculty and students explore new areas and expand their intellectual horizons. It is a time to cultivate special interests in depth, for creative work, experimentation, and interdisciplinary dialogue. It is a time to explore art galleries, museums, and libraries in the area, to engage in special projects, for travel and study abroad, for study and reflection. For some students, it is an opportunity to pursue independently projects or areas of study of special interest; for others, to enroll in a course for which they have no previous background in the field; for still others, to explore an area of interest unrelated to their regular academic programs. Flexibility and experimentation, the special features of the January Term, supplement and enrich the pattern of course work in the two regular semesters.

January Term courses are listed below under Academic Departments and Programs of Instruction and available online at www.mcdaniel.edu/janterm. Registration usually takes place during the third week of September.

Independent Studies


Independent studies provide students with the opportunity for individual study under the direction of a faculty member. The study, agreed upon by the sponsoring faculty member and the student, should be an experience not available within the regular college offerings. To enroll for an independent study, students complete a form available in the Registrar’s Office. Individual departments or programs may formulate additional policies for independent studies; they may also have additional guidelines on independent studies for candidates for departmental honors.



McDaniel College conducts an active program of student internships through cooperative programs with government, business, industry, institutions, and individuals. Internships are generally arranged directly through the academic departments or programs of the College, and each internship must be sponsored by a member of the faculty. To enroll for an internship, students complete a form available in the Registrar’s Office. No more than twelve credit hours of internships may be counted toward the 128 credit hours required for graduation. Internships are graded credit-fail only. Many study abroad programs also provide internship opportunities in a range of areas and settings.

Study Abroad


Contact the International Programs at IPO@mcdaniel.edu

Study abroad is for all students in every discipline. It offers students the opportunity to have an in-depth experience of another culture and at the same time to pursue academic work that supports their goals and plans. While abroad, students may take courses in their majors as well as those that fulfill other McDaniel Plan requirements. The International Programs Office (IPO), located in Hill Hall 105, assists students interested in off-campus study and serves as a resource center for information about overseas programs in general.

Students may choose to study abroad for a semester or full academic year, during the summer or January Term. Longer programs are ideal for students wanting to immerse themselves in a foreign culture, become fluent in a foreign language, have an internship or community service experience, or live a typical student life in another country. Short-term programs can provide an academically rich and more moderately priced international experience.

Many options are available for study in hundreds of destinations throughout the world through McDaniel’s affiliation with various institutions and universities abroad. The College has its own branch campus and national study abroad center in Budapest, Hungary – McDaniel Europe (see below). The College also has student exchange programs with Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles in Belgium, and with Africa University in Mutare, Zimbabwe, which enable students at one institution to engage in a semester of study at the other. The Brussels program offers a range of courses in French and English, mostly in the social sciences. In addition, a study abroad opportunity is available for McDaniel’s Honors students in partnership with the University of Glasgow, Scotland, and a consortium of U.S. colleges (Principia Consortium). Each January Term a number of faculty members also take small groups of students on academic study tours abroad.

Federal and state financial aid can be used for affiliated programs only. Institutional aid and scholarships can be applied to McDaniel College Budapest, the Brussels Exchange Program and the Africa University Exchange Program. The IPO has information about scholarships,  the deadlines for which may be one year before you study abroad.  Planning for a study abroad experience is essential and should begin early in the semester prior to your planned semester away. The requirements and application deadlines for study abroad vary and must be discussed with the staff in the International Programs Office.   Application forms are available at the IPO. 

McDaniel Europe


Contact the International Programs at IPO@mcdaniel.edu

McDaniel Europe in Budapest, Hungary, is the branch campus of McDaniel College. Established in 1994, the Budapest campus is our signature program and most popular study abroad site. In addition to serving as a national study abroad center for U.S. college students who enroll there for a semester or a full year, the Budapest campus provides a four-year undergraduate program for international students from 20 different countries, leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree. McDaniel Europe offers a range of courses in the following majors: Art/Art History, Business Administration/Economics, Communication, Political Science and Psychology. All courses are taught in English by highly qualified Hungarian, British, and American professors. Credit-bearing internships may be possible in some disciplines. Faculty-led field trips to cities throughout Central Europe are also a regular part of the program. McDaniel students are able to transfer all financial aid and institutional scholarships to the Budapest study abroad program. 

Pre-Professional Studies and Cooperative Programs


Students who have received early admission to graduate or professional schools may petition the College to receive the B.A. degree after the successful completion of one year of graduate or professional study. In order to be awarded the degree, the student must have completed the McDaniel Plan Requirements, have their total program approved by the major department(s), and have completed sufficient hours of course work at the College and in the graduate or professional school to equal the 128 credit hours required for the College’s graduation. The Provost and the chair of the major department(s) will determine whether these requirements have been met. Having met the requirements, the student will receive their degree and may participate in graduation ceremonies.

A broad liberal arts education is an asset for students who wish to pursue a professional education, and entrance examinations and admissions requirements for many professional schools favor individuals who have benefited from an undergraduate liberal arts education. For over a century, McDaniel College has offered pre-professional education, and graduates have proceeded to study and practice the learned professions with distinction.

The College currently offers the following programs:
Pre-engineering studies Teaching Certification
Pre-law studies  
Pre-medical and health professions studies  

Advisors and suggested curricula assist students who aspire to post-graduate professional education. Pre-professional students should discuss their goals with both their faculty advisor and the appropriate pre-professional program coordinator as early as possible.

Pre-Engineering Studies


Coordinator: Dr. Jeffrey D. Marx, Physics

The Physics-Engineeering major is currently under re-evaluation.  McDaniel College is considering several options for the Physics-Engineering major, including the possibility of a program with an online engineering component. 

Students interested in an engineering career, should also consider the advantages of completing a standard four-year physics major program prior to transfer to an engineering school. With two additional years of study at an engineering school, students should complete a bachelor’s degree in engineering, and may be able to complete a master’s degree in engineering.


NOTE: Modifications of the program can, and often must, be arranged to meet your needs and to satisfy the requirements of the engineering school at which you plan to complete the program.

The Five-Year Program
96 semester hours at McDaniel College
Completion of the The McDaniel Plan Requirements
24 hours in at least one of the following:
Required Courses:
  CHE 1103 General Chemistry I : Structure & Bonding
  CHE 1104 General Chemistry II : Chemical Reactivity
  CSC 1106 The Art of Programming
  MAT 1117 Calculus I
  MAT 1118 Calculus II
  MAT 3304 Differential Equations
  PHY 1101 General Physics I
  PHY 1102 General Physics II
  PHY 2201 Mathematical Physics
  PHY 2202 Intermediate Mechanics
  PHY 2203 Foundations of Modern Physics I
  CHE 3308 Thermodynamics & Equilibria
Suggested First-Semester Schedule:
  Physics 1101
  English Composition (based on placement)
  Mathematics (based on placement)
  Foreign Language
  First Year Seminar

Pre-Law Studies


Coordinator: Dr. Charles Neal, Political Science and International Studies

Law schools give preference to students with high academic achievement and backgrounds of broad cultural and social education. A student may major in any department. The most useful courses are those which offer training in writing and speaking, literature, philosophy, history, economics, and political science. Both the Law School Admission Council and the Council on the Section of Legal Education and Admissions of the American Bar Association advise against taking courses on a credit/fail basis if you intend to go to law school.

Check out our Web page: http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/Poli_Sci/prelaw/prelaw.htm.

Pre-Medical and Health Professions


(Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry, Pharmacology, Podiatry, Veterinary Science) Coordinator: Dr. Ralene Mitschler, Biology

Since 1874 men and women graduates of the College have gone on to practice medicine and the other health professions. In addition to the science courses required for admission to professional schools, the College recommends a number of courses in other disciplines and an internship experience that allow the student to gain admission and to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for the study and practice of medicine and the other health professions. Professional schools expect that candidates for admission will achieve well-above-average grades in their undergraduate studies. Requirements of professional schools vary; students should seek advice from the Pre-Health Professions advisor early in their undergraduate career. The following courses are typical of those required for admission by many professional schools and should be taken in addition to courses required for a major:

CHE 1101 Introductory Chemistry I: Structure & Bonding or CHE 1103 General Chemistry I: Structure & Bonding
CHE 1102 Introductory Chemistry II: Chemical Reactivity or CHE 1104 General Chemistry II: Chemical Reactivity
CHE 2217 Organic Chemistry I
CHE 2218 Organic Chemistry II
PHY 1101 General Physics I
PHY 1102 General Physics II
BIO 1111 Principles of Biology I
One  BIO 2000-level or above course with laboratory
MAT 1117 Calculus I

*Not all medical schools require a math course; students should check the individual requirements of each professional school.

Veterinary school requirements may include additional courses.

Teaching Certification


Coordinator: Dr. Margaret C. Trader, Education

McDaniel College has provided programs for teacher preparation and certification for over 100 years. The College offers minors in elementary and secondary education. Students who complete the minor in elementary education, secondary education, or P-12 art, music, or physical education are eligible for teacher certification in the State of Maryland (and more than 45 states according to the terms of the Interstate Reciprocity Agreement). McDaniel’s teacher education programs are fully approved and accredited by the Maryland State Department of Education and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. Note that course requirements for the education minor are subject to changes reflecting Maryland State Department of Education certification regulations. Students interested in the education minor must consult with an adviser in the education department as soon as possible.



Global Fellows Program



The Global Fellows Program is an academic and co-curricular opportunity to enhance academic study in any discipline by formally acknowledging a student’s commitment to global learning, and providing a comprehensive way for that student to develop fully as a global citizen.  Throughout a structured three-year program, Global Fellows will deepen and broaden their understanding of global issues, develop heightened intercultural competency, and cultivate the skills and attitudes necessary to lead successful personal and professional lives in a global context.


Students will apply to the program in the spring semester of their first year, and commence the program in the fall semester of their sophomore year.  


To satisfy the co-curricular requirements of this program, Global Fellows will regularly participate in workshops to develop intercultural competency and professional skills that will serve them in a global context, and allow them time for meaningful reflection on their own identity as global citizens.  They will also collaborate to do community outreach, and plan and participate each semester in a Global Issues Colloquium: a gathering open to the public for attendees to have in-depth discussions of current, major issues that are global in scope.


The academic requirements for Global Fellows are: proficiency in a foreign language equivalent to at least the fifth semester of college study (demonstrated through placement or coursework), more international courses (with more breadth) than what is required by the McDaniel Plan, the completion of a study/experiential learning abroad program (short or long term), the completion of a Senior Capstone Experience in the major that is connected to the student’s global learning, and finally, the submission of a “Global Learning Portfolio”, which will provide an opportunity for reflection on the student’s global education throughout his or her career at McDaniel College.   


At graduation, students will receive a special notation on their diplomas to reflect their completion of the Global Fellows Program.  This notation will be accompanied by a letter explaining the program for presentation to prospective employers, and for inclusion in graduate and professional school applications.


Questions regarding the Global Fellows Program should be addressed to the Director of Global Initiatives, Dr. Amy McNichols (x2461 or amcnichols@mcdaniel.edu).


Special Domestic Off-Campus Semester Programs


McDaniel College offers several single-semester programs designed to enable students to pursue specialized interests. The Washington Semester Program, administered by The American University, enables students to study public affairs in the nation’s capital. The Gallaudet Visiting Student Program is an opportunity for students to study and/or complete the ASL and Deaf Studies minor by immersion in the language and culture of deaf people.

Students considering a special off-campus semester in the U.S. should consult with the director of the International Programs Office and their academic advisor, or appropriate program advisor, as well as the Bursar’s, Financial Aid, Registrar’s, and Residence Life Offices at the College.

Gallaudet Visiting Student Program


Contact: Deaf Education Office, Academic Hall

Advisor: Eddy Laird

One semester of study is available to juniors and seniors who wish to complete the requirements for the ASL and Deaf Studies minor. The one semester at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C., provides immersion in the language and culture of deaf people. Credit earned becomes a part of your record at the College. The Practicum may be counted as part of the study. Prerequisite: A 2.5 or higher score on the ASL Proficiency Interview (ASLPI).

Washington Semester Program


Advisor: Dr. Christianna Leahy, Political Science and International Studies

To enable you to spend one term in specialized study of public affairs in the nation’s capital, McDaniel College participates in the Washington Semester Program, sponsored and administered by The American University. Each semester you may study the American Government, the formulation of American foreign policy, the District of Columbia as an urban area, the administration of justice, problems of international development, and economic policy formulation, or engage in research projects, seminars, internships, and other formal courses at The American University. 

Common Ground on the Hill


Executive Director: Walt Michael, Artist in Residence

Common Ground on the Hill is a traditional music and arts organization whose purpose is to offer a quality learning experience with master musicians, artists, writers, and crafts people while exploring cultural diversity in search of “common ground” among ethnic, gender, age, and racial groups. Two weeks of classes and workshops are offered each summer and events are sponsored during the academic year. Peaceful solutions to social and individual conflicts are sought through the sharing of artistic traditions. In a liberal arts context, these courses in the humanities and the arts may be taken for graduate and undergraduate credit by contacting Dr. Henry Reiff, Acting Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies, or Walt Michael, Artist in Residence.

Military Science


Military Science can be an integral part of a student-designed major or an elective supporting any major. The courses are designed to develop each student’s leadership ability and to prepare the student for commissioning as an officer in the Active Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. Courses are open to both men and women. Students will find that Military Science provides instruction and practical experience which complement any undergraduate major.

Undergraduates Enrolling in Graduate Courses


Undergraduates at McDaniel College may enroll in graduate courses once they have successfully completed at least 80 credits in their undergraduate program. Students must have the approval of both the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies and the Dean of Student Academic Life prior to registering for graduate courses. Students must be formally admitted to one of the College’s five year programs or meet the GPA required for admission into the program in which the course is offered. Normally limited to one or two courses, these credits may count toward either the undergraduate or graduate degree at McDaniel College but not both.

Registration at Other Colleges


Students interested in enrolling in courses at other institutions must complete a Transfer Request form available in the Registrar’s Office. Each student is responsible for having an official transcript sent from the other institution for posting to their permanent record. Please note transfer credits do not affect the student’s grade point average at McDaniel College. Up to 96 credit hours in transfer from four-year institutions and up to 64 credit hours from two-year institutions will be accepted.

Continuing Education


McDaniel College welcomes the growing number of students who are choosing either to begin or to continue their college studies at a point later in their lives.

For information, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs and see also under Admissions on Nontraditional Students.

Second Bachelor’s Degrees


The second bachelor’s degree program at McDaniel College is designed to meet the needs of students who have completed an undergraduate degree in one field and wish to become proficient in another.

Students may elect any major offered at the College and must meet all academic requirements for that major. It is recommended that students consult with the department chair about requirements and course schedules. (A minimum of 32 credit hours beyond the first degree must be taken at the College; if the new major requires more than 32 credit hours, the additional credit hours must be taken before the degree is awarded.) A second degree requires a minimum grade point average of 2.00 in all work attempted at the College. The McDaniel Plan Requirements are assumed to be met, and 96 credit hours are automatically transferred from the original degree program. In some programs with prerequisites and/or requirements outside the student’s discipline, it may take more than one academic year to complete the program. In order to qualify for General Honors at graduation, students must complete a minimum of 64 credit hours at McDaniel beyond the first degree. Tuition is reduced to the graduate rate per credit hour.

Applications for the second bachelor’s degree and more specific policies and procedures for the degree are available from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
